Water Damage in Davis or Woodland, CA. We provide water damage services, including water removal, dehumidification, quik drying of carpets, walls, ceilings and sub-floors. We also provide sewage cleanup and de-flooding of under house crawl spaces.

CONSUMER ALERT! Only hire licensed Contractors! Our CA State Contractor's License is #901060. Who must be a licensed contractor? Click the CONTRACTORS button to the left.
Call Toll Free: 1-877-784-5379 or 916-985-8973
Dial: 1-8-7-7-Q-U-I-K-D-R-Y
24 Hour Emergency Service or Consultation
Water Removal, Structural Dryout, Cleanup
Moisture Inspections
Broken or leaky pipes, toilet and sink overflows, washing machine malfunctions, leaky water heaters, leaky refrigerator supply lines, clogged sewer lines; These are the most common causes of water damage in homes and businesses that we respond to. If something like this (or any other unwanted water intrusion) has occured in your home or business, please call us as soon as possible. We will do our best to help you get your life back to normal in as little time as possible.
Below, this was a water damage that was ignored by the homeowner, and was not professionally dried out. Suspect microbial growth occured in the walls. The cleanup and reconstruction costs far exceeded what it would have taken to properly dry the walls immediately after the water damage occured.

Don't let this happen to your home! Get it dried out, Quik!
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, and check out a brief sampling of our
water damage "Job Photos"

Sensitive moisture meters detect trapped and hidden moisture in and below the surface of building materials. Hidden and trapped moisture, if not discovered and promptly dried, is what causes most of the damage in a water damaged building.

In severely water damaged buildings, a thermal hygrometer is used to monitor temperature and relative humidity. This allows the water damage technician to monitor the amount of moisture in the air and adjust drying equipment accordingly. This practice is called "psychometry".

A "Moisture Stick" is used to positively identify carpet and padding that is wet. Often the surface of the carpet will appear or feel dry but the padding and sub-floor below is saturated. This tool identifies these areas.

Water Damage
"Categories" of Water in a Water Damage Loss
Category 1 Water - Refers to a source of water that does not pose substantial threat to humans and classified as "Clean Water". Examples are broken water supply lines, tub or sink overflows or appliance malfunctions that involves water supply lines.
Category 2 Water - Refers to a source of water that contains a significant degree of chemical, biological or physical contaminants and causes discomfort or sickness when exposed or even consumed. Known as "Grey Water". This type carries micro organisms and nutrients of micro organisms. Examples are toilet bowls with urine (no feces), sump pump failures, seepage due to hydrostatic failure and water discharge from dishwashers or washing machines.
Category 3 Water - Known as "Black Water" and are grossly unsanitary. This water contains unsanitary agents, harmful bacteria and fungi, causing severe discomfort or sickness. Type 3 category are contaminated water sources that affects the indoor environment. This category includes water sources from sewage, seawater, rising water from rivers or streams, ground surface water or standing water. Category 2 Water or Grey Water that is not promptly removed from the structure and or have remained stagnant for 48-72 hours may be re classified as Category 3 Water. Toilet back flows that originates from beyond the toilet trap is considered black water contamination regardless of visible content or color.
If you have water damage in your Davis or Woodland home or business call: 1-877-QUIK-DRY (784-5379)